Booking form(English)

Please fill in the form below and press the [Confirm(確認)] button.

Please understand the following matters. ※required A booking must be made at least 7 days in advance.It is necessary to pay a deposit of 50 % of the session fee in order to complete the booking.
Your name ※required
To make a booking, a deposit of 50 % of the session fee is required. Deposit payment will be made by ※required Bank transfer
Your country ※required
Your mail adress ※required
Select Mistress ※required If you want to double dom session, please select two Mistresses Mistress Saran
Mistress Byakudan
Mistress Ao
Mistress Marika
Mistress Miyabi
Session dulation ※required 60 Minutes
90 Minutes
120 Minutes
150 Minutes
180 Minutes
Preferred data and starting time #1 ※required
Preferred data and starting time #2 ※required
Preferred data and starting time #3 ※required
Place ※required Namba love hotel (Transportation fee free)
At your hotel (We can go to city or bussiness hotel only near Namba)※Please write the name your hotel in the message.
Preferred costumes and tools, option etc ※required
Favorite plays and No-go plays

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