お問い合わせフォーム(Inquiry form




下記フォームへ入力し [ 確 認 ] ボタンを押してください。

This is an inquiry form related to "Kamebeya".

*Continuous posting within a short period of time is not possible. If you would like to contact me again, please wait for a while.

*We may not be able to respond if there is an obvious prank or if the content is incomplete.

Please fill out the form below and press the [Confirm] button.

お問い合わせ内容(Content of inquiry 「かめべや」(無料)コンテンツに関する質問、要望(About free content
「かめべや」販売作品に関する質問、要望(About sales works
お問い合せ内容(3千字)Content of inquiry(Within 3000 charac)
こちらからの返信がご希望ですか?(Would you like to receive a response from us? はい(メールアドレスの記入必須)(Yes

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